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Don’t delay your property transfer! Visit US Legal Forms today to secure your California Grant Deed from husband to himself and wife.
1Identify the donee or recipient.2Discuss terms and conditions with that person.3Complete a change of ownership form.4Change the title on the deed.5Hire a real estate attorney to prepare the deed.6Notarize and file the deed.
The easiest way to grant your spouse title to your home is via a quitclaim deed (Californians generally use an interspousal grant deed). With a quitclaim deed, you can name your spouse as the property's joint owner. The quitclaim deed must include the property's description, including its boundary lines.
When it comes to reasons why you shouldn't add your new spouse to the Deed, the answer is simple divorce and equitable distribution. If you choose not to put your spouse on the Deed and the two of you divorce, the entire value of the home is not subject to equitable distribution.
Considerations. California doesn't require the inclusion of the date, or of money paid, or of a notarization of the transferor's signature on the grant deed, and a grant deed is valid even if it's not recorded in the local land records.
Grantor's name. Grantee's name and address. Description of grantee (ex: unmarried man, husband and wife, joint tenants) Person who requested grant deed. Address of real estate that is being transferred. Legal description of property (lot number) Original title order number for property.
You'll need to transfer an interest by writing up another deed with the person's name on it. In California, you can use either a grant deed, a quitclaim deed or an interspousal deed, depending on your circumstances. Each one has its own requirements and works best in different circumstances.
Grantor's name. Grantee's name and address. Description of grantee (ex: unmarried man, husband and wife, joint tenants) Person who requested grant deed. Address of real estate that is being transferred. Legal description of property (lot number) Original title order number for property.
Identify the donee or recipient. Discuss terms and conditions with that person. Complete a change of ownership form. Change the title on the deed. Hire a real estate attorney to prepare the deed. Notarize and file the deed.