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So, how long does it take to evict someone in California? Short answer: It can take anywhere between 45 to 75 days to evict someone in California, on average.
Know Your Rights. It goes without saying, but take some time to know your rights as a tenant. Keep Good Records. Make Sure Notice is Proper. Service of the Unlawful Detainer. Talking to an Attorney. Managing Partner Lipton Legal Group, A PC Beverly Hills, CA.
Summons - Unlawful Detainer-Eviction (Form SUM-130 ); Complaint - Unlawful Detainer (Form UD-100 video instructions ); and. Civil Case Cover Sheet (Form CM-010 ).
How much will it cost me to file an unlawful detainer to a tenant.? The state-wide filing fee schedule is between $240 and $435, depending on how much you are asking for as monetary damages in addition to possession.
The most obvious cost of an eviction is the eviction costs themselves. The average eviction costs $750 to $1250 to retain an eviction specialist.
Serve the Unlawful Detainer Papers. The server gives the tenant the Summons and Complaint in person. If the tenant will not take the papers, the server can tell the tenant that he or she is being served and leave the papers as close to the tenant as possible.
Courts commonly refer to eviction actions as "forcible entry and detainer" or "unlawful detainer" actions. The legal theory is that the landlord alleges the tenant unlawfully continues to have use and possession of the rental property, and the landlord seeks the assistance of the court to have the tenant removed.
(1) Defendant must be served with Summons and Complaint. (2) The time for responding to the Summons and Complaint must have passed. (3) Defendant must have failed to file a responsive pleading to the Complaint. (4) Defendant must be served with a Statement of Damages.