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Enter the Corporation or Business Entity Name being searched for. Select a Name Type. Select a Search Type. Enter the numbers from the image into the CAPTCHA field. Tab to Search the Database and press the enter key or click Search the Database.
Navigate to the Secretary of State website for the state in which the corporation is registered. Start your search. Look for a Businesses or Corporations tab. Each state website is constructed differently, and the specific tab name may vary, but should always be business or corporation related.
For corporations, limited partnerships and limited liability companies, who must file with the State, the filing fee is $25, though corporations must also pay an additional county- specific fee. The corporation county fee is $100 for any county in New York City and $25 for any other county in New York State.
Search for a business entity (Corporation, LLC, Limited Partnership) in New York by using the Secretary of State's Website. The only way to preform a lookup is by Name, when doing so, you will want to use as many matching keywords as you can as the database will pull all matching records.
The bylaws are the corporation's operating manual; they describe how the corporation is organized and runs its affairs. You do not file the bylaws with the state, but you need to explain the roles of the corporation's participants, and technology can play a role in carrying out the bylaws.