The South Carolina Joe Anderson Order Setting Rule 16 Conference is a court-mandated hearing which takes place before a trial. It is conducted by a judge or a magistrate who reviews the evidence that has been submitted by both sides of the case. The purpose of this hearing is to determine the admissibility of evidence, to allow for the parties to attempt to settle the case, and to set trial dates. The Order Setting Rule 16 Conference is an important part of the pre-trial process and is mandatory for all civil cases in South Carolina. There are three types of South Carolina Joe Anderson Order Setting Rule 16 Conferences: rediscovery, post-discovery, and post-trial. The pre-discovery conference is held before any discovery procedures have begun, and the judge will review the pleadings and discuss the scope of discovery that is appropriate in the case. The post-discovery conference is held after discovery procedures have been completed, and the judge will review the evidence that has been gathered and discuss settlement options and trial dates. The post-trial conference is held after the trial has been completed, and the judge will review the evidence presented and make any necessary rulings.