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Don’t let your past hold you back; start your expungement process today with US Legal Forms for all your legal document needs!
Expect to pay $100 to $600 in document processing and filing fees. If you feel you may have trouble coming up with the money to pay those fees, some states do offer free expungement services to indigent clients.
If qualified, you can petition the court for expunction (often called expungement) as provided for in Section 55 of Texas Law on Criminal Procedure. You can do it yourself by completing and filing a petition before the court and wait for the pronouncement of the Judge.
Most people can file and successfully process their own Texas expungement forms without the assistance of a lawyer.If you have successfully completed deferred adjudication for a misdemeanor or felony, you may be eligible for a Texas expungement or Order for Nondisclosure.
The felony charge was dropped or dismissed without action; You went to trial and were acquitted of the offense; You were convicted of the charge, but later found to be innocent by a court; or. You were pardoned of the offense.
You must have been arrested, you must not have been convicted or served probation, and the charge that you want to be expunged must have been a misdemeanor or a felony. If you meet these three requirements, expunction is an option you should absolutely consider before proceeding with your criminal case.
If qualified, you can petition the court for expunction (often called expungement) as provided for in Section 55 of Texas Law on Criminal Procedure. You can do it yourself by completing and filing a petition before the court and wait for the pronouncement of the Judge.
How Much Will It Cost to Expunge My Criminal Record in Texas? As a general rule, it costs more to expunge a felony than a misdemeanor. The expungement of a felony will customarily cost a minimum of $1,000, but may cost upwards of $2,500 or even more. Misdemeanors can usually be expunged for $1,000 or less.
Always begin the letter with a formal greeting, such as "Dear Judge...", before composing the rest of the letter. Then, write the first paragraph of your letter by explaining why you are writing, what charge you wish to have expunged, and a short description of why you feel it should be expunged.
Online expungement is only available through Maryland and not offered by a State or government website. This legal expungement service is particularly convenient for individuals who don't want to have to travel to the courthouse, obtain all the paperwork, drive home.