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A resolution adopted by a Board of Directors and/or the stockholders of a corporation or other entity that authorizes the officers to borrow money from a financial institution.
SBA Form 160, Resolution of Board of Directors is a form issued by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and filed with SBA Business Expansion loans - including Direct, Guaranteed, or Participation loans.
What are the basic rules for writing a resolution? Rule #1 Every resolution must have a title, whereas clause(s) and resolved clause(s) and carry the author's name(s). The title should be clear and concise and convey the general idea of the topic of the resolution.
Date of the meeting. Time the meeting was called to order. Names of the meeting participants and absentees. Corrections and amendments to previous meeting minutes. Additions to the current agenda. Whether a quorum is present. Motions taken or rejected.
Minutes of a General Meeting should be signed and dated by the Chairperson of the Meeting or in the event of death or inability of that Chairperson, by the Vice-Chairperson or any Director who was present in the Meeting and duly authorized by the Board for the purpose, within thirty days of the General Meeting.
Use a template. Check off attendees as they arrive. Do introductions or circulate an attendance list. Record motions, actions, and decisions as they occur. Ask for clarification as necessary. Write clear, brief notes-not full sentences or verbatim wording.
Name of the organization. date and time of meeting. board members in attendance, excused, and absent. existence of a quorum. motions made and by whom. brief account of any debate. voting results. names of abstainers and dissenters.
Minutes are a tangible record of the meeting for its participants and a source of information for members who were unable to attend. In some cases, meeting minutes can act as a reference point, for example: when a meeting's outcomes impact other collaborative activities or projects within the organization.
What's In. The minutes should include the title of the group that is meeting; the date, time, and venue; the names of those in attendance (including staff) and the person recording the minutes; and the agenda.