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Despite its technical-sounding name, the subordination agreement has one simple purpose. It assigns your new mortgage to first lien position, making it possible to refinance with a home equity loan or line of credit.
Subordination is the process of ranking home loans (mortgage, HELOC or home equity loan) by order of importance.Through subordination, lenders assign a lien position to these loans. Generally, your mortgage is assigned the first lien position while your HELOC becomes the second lien.
A subordination agreement prioritizes collateralized debts, ranking one behind another for purposes of collecting repayment from a debtor in the event of foreclosure or bankruptcy. A second-in-line creditor collects only when and if the priority creditor has been fully paid.
A subordination agreement refers to a legal agreement that prioritizes one debt over another for securing repayments from a borrower. The agreement changes the lien position. A lien is a right allowing one party to possess a property of another party who owns a debt until the debt is dissolved.
But as property values are going up and the demand for refinance isn't as much, it seems that the subordination process has gotten a little easier. Typically, it takes two to three weeks to get the resubordination paperwork through, and it is likely to set you back $200 to $300.
: placement in a lower class, rank, or position : the act or process of subordinating someone or something or the state of being subordinated As a prescriptive text, moreover, the Bible has been interpreted as justifying the subordination of women to men.
A subordination agreement often comes up when a home has a first and a second mortgage, and the borrower wants to refinance the first mortgage. If you have two mortgages on your home and refinance the first loan, the refinancing lender might require a subordination agreement.