By following these steps, you can efficiently navigate the US Legal Forms platform to file your Motion For Post-Conviction Relief. This not only ensures you have the correct documents but also peace of mind knowing that you are using a reliable resource.
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A defendant who requests post-conviction relief asks the court to vacate or modify a judgment of conviction, or to reduce or modify a sentence. 2 PROCESS. The process for requesting post-conviction relief is contained in Rules 32 and 33 of the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure.
You must not be on probation at the time of application. You must not be charged in any current criminal cases. The crime that put you on the record must not have resulted in a state prison sentence.
The term post-conviction relief refers to legal channels by which defendants convicted of a crime can seek to get their convictions overturned, sentences modified, records expunged or civil rights reinstated.
Attorneys charge a sum between $400 to $1,400 per criminal charge. Attorney fees could rise to between $1000 to $4000 if the criminal case is complicated. If you can't afford the fee to file a petition for expungement, you or your attorney may request a fee waiver.
In law, post conviction refers to the legal process which takes place after a trial results in conviction of the defendant. After conviction, a court will proceed with sentencing the guilty party.The goal of these proceedings is exoneration, or proving a convicted person innocent.
The most common basis for relief in a petition for post-conviction relief is that a client did not receive effective assistance of counsel in connection with a guilty plea, at trial, at sentencing, or on appeal.