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This is a legal document where a contractor waives his common law right to hold control and possession over a property or resists to hand over the keys to the Bank when requested to do so, if he is not paid in full. Legal FAQ Guide.
This Standard Document is used to acknowledge receipt of payment during an ongoing project and to release all mechanic's or other construction lien rights through a specific payment application or requisition.
The most common way to reduce or even eliminate mechanic's lien risk is through the use of lien waivers. A lien waiver is a private agreement in which a party surrenders the right to file a lien in exchange for payment.
A lien waiver is signed before a lien is actually filed. The party submitting the lien waiver states that they waive the right to lien against the project. In some instances, the property owner or general contractor may request that you sign and deliver a lien waiver before payment is disbursed.
LIen waivers are not required to be notarized. The primary times that a document needs to be notarized is if it is going to be filed with the county recorder or it is an affidavit. There are some other documents that often use notarization, but lien waivers don't fall into any of those that "need to be notarized."
Name of Claimant. This is the name the party to be paid, and the party who will be signing the lien waiver document. Name of Customer. Job Location. Owner. Exceptions. Claimant's Signature. Claimant's Title. Date of Signature.
Conditional lien waivers are provided by contractors or suppliers before they've been paid.The form says they will waive their right to lien once they receive the payment, so they can't file a lien after payment has been received.