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If you are unsure if the FRC will be able to deal with your complaint, you can email us at complaints@frc.org.uk We usually ask complainants to submit an online complaints form so we may ask you to fill this out or to provide further specific information to help us decide if we can look into your complaint further.
Under Florida law, an accounting is a cause of action in which a party requests an equitable settlement of claims and liabilities arising out of its relationship with another party.The most common equitable accounting action stems from lawsuits concerning partnership disputes.
If you need to report the unethical or illegal behavior of your accounting colleague or employer, seek legal counsel either in-house or from an independent firm or access your company's whistleblowing resources.
The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) promotes transparency and integrity in business. It regulates auditors, accountants and actuaries, and sets the UK's Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes.
If you want to make a complaint about your accountant/auditor or a firm of accountants/auditors, you should initially contact the Prescribed Accountancy Body ('PAB') of which the accountant/auditor/firm is a member. Please click here for contact details for the PABs.
If your accountant is insured You can sue your accountant irrespective of whether they have professional indemnity insurance, but if they are not covered, the likelihood of receiving compensation is much lower.
If you are unsure if the FRC will be able to deal with your complaint, you can email us at complaints@frc.org.uk We usually ask complainants to submit an online complaints form so we may ask you to fill this out or to provide further specific information to help us decide if we can look into your complaint further.
An action for an accounting is an equitable cause of action. As discussed below, for statute of limitations purposes, the cause of action for an accounting must sometimes be distinguished from the remedy of an accounting.
An account of profits (sometimes referred to as an accounting for profits or simply an accounting) is a type of equitable remedy most commonly used in cases of breach of fiduciary duty.