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Negotiate With Your Lender. If you are having financial difficulties, the worst thing that you can do is bury your head in the sand. Request a Forbearance. Modify Your Loan. Make a Claim. Get a Housing Counselor. Declare Bankruptcy. Use A Foreclosure Defense Strategy. Make Them Produce The Not.
In situations where a foreclosure has already occurred, the California Supreme Court held that a borrower has standing to sue for wrongful foreclosure based on an allegedly void assignment of his or her mortgage.
Reinstatement. Ask the lender to reinstate the loan. Forbearance Agreement. Ask the lender to forgive the debt. Refinance. Sell your home. Short Sale. LLoan modification. Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure. Rescission of loan.
Repayment Plan: Getting Current on the Loan. Mortgage Modification: Adjusting Your Loan Agreement. Short Sale: Selling the Property for Less Than You Owe. Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure: Give the Property to the Lender.
Proving Wrongful Foreclosure If you wish to sue the bank for wrongful foreclosure, you must prove the following: The lender owed you, the borrower, a legal duty. The lender breached that duty. The breach of duty caused your injury or loss (damages)
A lender can rescind a foreclosure sale if a borrower requests to reinstate the loan agreements and then makes payment to bring the loan balance current, provided this is done more than five days before the scheduled sale date.
To contest a judicial foreclosure, you have to file a written answer to the complaint (the lawsuit). You'll need to present your defenses and explain the reasons why the lender shouldn't be able to foreclose. You might need to defend yourself against a motion for summary judgment and at trial.