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After receiving your request, the lender has 20 days to terminate the UCC filing.
The secured party has 20 days to either terminate the filing or send a termination statement to the debtor that the debtor can then file. If this does not happen within the 20-day time frame, the debtor may file a UCC-3 termination statement.
When the debtor has satisfied all amounts owed to the lender, a UCC-3 termination statement (now called a UCC termination statement) is routinely filed to terminate the security interest perfected by the UCC-1 financing statement.
Form UCC3 is used to amend (make changes to) a UCC1 filing.However, it is important to note that for a UCC1 filing a termination is only an amendment and that the UCC1 filing may be amended further, even after a termination has been filed. Box 3 Continuation A UCC1 filing is good for five years.
If you ever find yourself in that frustrating situation the answer is: Yes, you can, providing there is no existing obligation to the lender. This is provided for in Section 9-513 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Rules vary by State around releasing a UCC lien after a borrower satisfied the debt. Primarily there are two main ways to remove them. One way is by having the lender file a UCC-3 Financing Statement Amendment. Another way to remove a UCC filing is by swearing an oath of full payment at the secretary of state office.
A UCC-3 termination statement (a Termination) is a required filing that terminates a security interest that has been perfected by a UCC-1 filing. 1. A Termination for personal property is accomplished by completing and filing form UCC-3 with the Secretary of State's office in the appropriate state.
A UCC-3 termination statement (a Termination) is a required filing that terminates a security interest that has been perfected by a UCC-1 filing. 1. A Termination for personal property is accomplished by completing and filing form UCC-3 with the Secretary of State's office in the appropriate state.
When the debtor has satisfied all amounts owed to the lender, a UCC-3 termination statement (now called a UCC termination statement) is routinely filed to terminate the security interest perfected by the UCC-1 financing statement.