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Start your journey towards reinstating your corporation today by utilizing US Legal Forms for fast, reliable access to necessary legal templates and expert support.
Identify yourself and your previous position. Tell the recipient of the letter who you are, and explain that you are seeking reinstatement. Explain the reason for seeking reinstatement. Express gratitude.
Address the recipient in a formal manner. Explain the dispute in detail. List your arguments as to why the establishment's decision should be reconsidered. Add additional evidence or facts that would speak in your favor in this particular case.
Be polite and tactful. If you are asking for special consideration for something based on extenuating circumstances such as a medical issue, providing evidence in the form of a doctor's note may help. Simply stating that you should be considered for something is worthless without explaining why.
Use an appropriate business letter format. Keep it simple. If appropriate, provide the recipient with pertinent information to help them remember who you are. Briefly explain what it is you want the reader to do.
To reinstate a Florida LLC, you must file a Limited Liability Company Reinstatement with the Division of Corporations. There is a a $100 reinstatement fee, as well as a $138.75 Annual Report fee for each year or portion of a year in which your LLC was dissolved.
Identify any outstanding state fees your business owes. Obtain the correct reinstatement forms on your behalf. Review your completed reinstatement forms. Submit your reinstatement forms to the relevant state agencies.
Review the appeal process if possible. Determine the mailing address of the recipient. Explain what occurred. Describe why it's unfair/unjust. Outline your desired outcome. If you haven't heard back in one week, follow-up. Appeal letter format.
Closing Your Reconsideration Letter Thank you for taking the time and effort to reconsider my decision. Use a grammar and spelling program to check for and correct any errors. Print, sign and mail your reconsideration letter immediately.
Your national insurance number. The date of your decision letter. Why you disagree with their decision. If you are late, explain why.