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A stay of proceedings is a ruling by the court in civil and criminal procedure, halting further legal process in a trial or other legal proceeding. The court can subsequently lift the stay and resume proceedings based on events taking place after the stay is ordered.
The plaintiff can arbitrate and challenge the decision to compel arbitration by appeal after the merits of the case are decided by the arbitrator and confirmed as a judgment.
Sufficient background facts so that the judge understands the outlines of the dispute. Text of the arbitration agreement. Identities of the parties to the lawsuityou and the other person or company. Explanation of how the court has jurisdiction over the lawsuit.
Arbitration Act, 1940 is not available to stay the proceedings. Thus this appeal by special leave.
In the event that a party fails to appear at the arbitration, the arbitration must still proceed.Unless the law provides to the contrary, the arbitration may proceed in the absence of any party or representative who, after due notice, fails to be present or fails to obtain a postponement.
Definition. A motion to compel arbitration is a request made to a court in a pending litigation matter to force a party to submit the dispute to arbitration.
There is no question of stay of the proceedings till the arbitration proceedings conclude and the award becomes final in terms...
Dispositive or non-dispositive motion for purposes of § 636. Lee v.The First and Third Circuits, along with a district court in this circuit, however, have concluded that a motion to compel arbitration is a non-dispositive motion within the jurisdiction of a magistrate judge.