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Gather information. Every summons includes the following: the names of the plaintiff(s) and defendant(s), the case number, the place where the lawsuit has been filed, the name and address of the plaintiff's lawyer or the plaintiff, and the date by which the defendant has to respond to the lawsuit.
Fill in: the case name and number; the name and address of the person being subpoenaed; and the date, time, and location of the court hearing where they're supposed to testify. Unlike a summons, which must be served by a Sheriff , or an authorized process server , a subpoena can be served by almost anyone.
A summons is the first court document in litigation, a court case, to be served by the sheriff. It is usually preceded by a letter of demand through the post, which people often refer to as 'a lawyer's letter'.The summons will also set out what the case against you is.
Provide the name of the court at the top of the Answer. You can find the information on the summons. List the name of the plaintiff on the left side. Write the case number on the right side of the Answer. Address the Judge and discuss your side of the case. Ask the judge to dismiss the case.
Contact the clerk's office of the court where the lawsuit was filed. You'll find a phone number and address for the clerk's office on your summons. The clerk will be able to tell you exactly what documents you should file with your answer and whether any filing fee is required.