Request for Information from Credit Reporting Agency is the process of requesting a copy of an individual’s credit report from a credit reporting agency. The credit reporting agency will then produce a report that contains information about the individual’s credit history and credit rating. This information can be used to help determine eligibility for loans, mortgages, credit cards, and other financial products and services. There are two main types of Request for Information from Credit Reporting Agency: 1. Consumer Report Request: This type of request is made by an individual directly to a credit reporting agency in order to obtain their credit report. This may be done for a variety of reasons, such as applying for a loan or other financial product, monitoring credit history, or investigating potential identity theft. 2. Third-Party Request: This type of request is made by organizations such as employers, landlords, and lenders. These organizations use the information from a credit report to make decisions about granting credit, offering employment, or approving a rental application.