Sale on Consignment Acknowledgement (also known as Sale on Approval Acknowledgement) is a document that is used by a seller to acknowledge receipt of goods for sale on consignment. This document is used to provide evidence that the goods were received by the seller and can be used to establish liability in the event of any disputes. It may also be used to provide proof of ownership of the goods. There are two types of Sale on Consignment Acknowledgement: 1. Consignment Agreement: This is an agreement between the seller and the consignee (the person or entity who is receiving the goods) that outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement. It typically includes details such as the date of delivery, the number and type of goods, the price to be paid, the payment terms, and any other applicable conditions. 2. Receipt of Goods: This document is used by the seller to confirm receipt of the goods from the consignee. It should include details such as the date of receipt, the number and type of goods, the condition of the goods, and any other relevant information. Both of these documents are important for establishing ownership of the goods and ensuring that all parties involved are held accountable in the event of any disputes.