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Ask what is included in the hourly rate. You should ask the attorney who else will be working on your case and at what rate each person bills. Ask your attorney whether his or her time is billed differently for trial work versus preparation. Some attorneys charge a higher hourly rate for court appearances.
Under these circumstances, I am unable to pay the school fee of my son. He has secured good marks in all subjects in the recent Summative Assessment-I. Hence, I request you to please exempt school fee of my son for this year by considering his good academic record and my poor condition.
Sub: Requesting for fees exempt In this situation, I am unable to pay the fees. Because of my father's earning is hardly sufficient for my family. I am a good student and secured good marks in all subjects. Hence I requested you to exempt the fees for this year by considering the bad situation of my family.
Clarify that you are disputing the fees You should identify the particular date of the bills and mention the charges you are disputing. You can do it by using bullet points. Then you have to give your lawyer a full description of the bill you are disputing and explain why you are doing so.
Let the focus be on the recipient. Your request letter should not be self-centered. Introduce yourself. If you are writing to someone you haven't spoken with in a long time, you must introduce yourself. Be straightforward. Be courteous. Don't threaten. Contact information.
Explain precisely what your request is. Mention the reason for the request. Use polite language and a professional tone. Demonstrate respect and gratitude to the reader. The content of the letter should be official. You may provide contact information where you can be reached.
Maintain focus throughout the process. Both intended and unintended audiences can read legal letters. Come up with coherent and consistent arguments. Use short sentences and paragraphs in your letter. Make sure your language has precision.
Type your letter. Concisely review the main facts. Be polite. Write with your goal in mind. Ask for exactly what you want. Set a deadline. End the letter by stating you will promptly pursue legal remedies if the other party does not meet your demand. Make and keep copies.
Dear Madam/Sir, I am writing to request a copy of Name of the document, since I lost my original document due to State the circumstances that led to the loss of the document. In the attachment I am sending you the copy of original documents and copy of my ID card.