By following these steps, you can create a legally sound and effective letter to reject a settlement offer. US Legal Forms empowers users with a diverse library of over 85,000 forms, ensuring you find exactly what you need.
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That you will not accept the initial settlement offer; The reasons why you feel you deserve a higher settlement amount; Each of their low-offer reasons, and your responses; The higher settlement amount that you will accept.
Always reject a settlement offer in writing. Type a letter to your contact at the insurance company listing the reasons you think that their offer is too low. Back up these reasons with concrete evidence attached to the letter. Finally, provide a counteroffer of a sum you think is more reasonable.
Have a Settlement Amount in Mind. Do Not Jump at a First Offer. Get the Adjuster to Justify a Low Offer. Emphasize Emotional Points. Put the Settlement in Writing. More Information About Negotiating Your Personal Injury Claim.
Scenario 3: Protect Your Legal Rights by Filing a Lawsuit The most dramatic result of a rejected settlement offer is a lawsuit against the party who injured you, the insurance company, or both.