Manager-Managed Limited Liability Company (LLC) with One Manager is a business structure that combines the limited liability of a corporation with the flexibility and tax advantages of partnerships. This type of business structure is typically owned by a single individual who serves as the sole manager and has the authority to make decisions for the company. The business structure is often preferred by entrepreneurs who want to maintain sole control over their business. The Manager-Managed LLC is a popular choice because it allows the manager to maintain full control over the company’s operations, while protecting the manager from incurring personal liability for the company’s debts and obligations. It also offers the tax benefits of a pass-through entity, meaning that the business profits and losses are reported on the owner’s individual tax return and are not subject to double taxation. Different types of Manager-Managed Limited Liability Company with One Manager include single-member LCS, multi-member LCS, and family LCS. Single-member LCS are owned and managed by a single individual, while multi-member LCS are owned and managed by two or more individuals. Family LCS are owned and managed by members of the same family.