Agreement between Adjoining Landowners Creating an Easement for a Common Driveway with New Construction of Houses and Garages is an agreement between two or more adjacent landowners to allow for the construction of a shared driveway between their properties. This agreement grants an easement that allows for the use of the shared driveway and the construction of new houses and garages. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of each party, delineates the dimensions of the shared driveway, and identifies any restrictions on its use. The two main types of Agreement between Adjoining Landowners Creating an Easement for a Common Driveway with New Construction of Houses and Garages are a "grant" or a "license". A grant is a permanent easement that grants the right to use the shared driveway in perpetuity; a license grants the right to use the shared driveway for a specific period of time. Additionally, there may be a "restrictive covenant" attached to the agreement, which outlines certain restrictions on the use of the shared driveway, such as the size of the vehicles that can be used on it or the times of day that it can be used.