Missing Witness (revised 2014) is an American legal thriller film written and directed by Paul Kimball. The film follows the story of a defense attorney, played by Rachael Lefter, who is assigned to the case of a murder suspect who is suffering from amnesia. The attorney must search for a missing witness who can prove the suspect's innocence. The film stars Rachael Lefter, Michael Pare, Andrew Burt, and Susanna Thompson. It follows the attorney as she seeks out the missing witness and comes up against a powerful political figure who is trying to cover up the truth. Along the way, she discovers a web of corruption and deceit that could put her life in danger. The film is a typical legal thriller, with twists and turns leading to a suspenseful climax. It is filled with mystery and intrigue, and the talented cast and crew make it an entertaining watch. Missing Witness (revised 2014) is a must-see for fans of legal thrillers.