Health Care Fraud” Intenttent to Defraud” Defined is a criminal act committed by a person or entity in which a false or deceptive claim is made or a service is provided that is not medically necessary in order to receive payment from a health care benefit program, such as Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance. It is a violation of federal and/or state laws and is punishable by law. Health Care Fraud” Intenttent to Defraud” Defined encompasses a wide range of activities, including billing for services not rendered, double-billing for services that have already been paid, upcoming or billing for more expensive services than were actually provided, or billing for services that are not covered by the health care benefit program. Health Care Fraud” Intenttent to Defraud” Defined can also include kickbacks, bribery, self-referral, or misrepresentation of services or products. Different types of Health Care Fraud” Intenttent to Defraud” Defined include: billing for services not rendered; double-billing for services already paid; upcoming or billing for more expensive services than were actually provided; billing for services not covered by the health care benefit program; kickbacks; bribery; self-referral; and misrepresentation of services or products.