Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services is the buying, selling or distribution of counterfeit goods or services. Counterfeit goods are goods that have been illegally reproduced or copied and sold as originals, or services that are falsely represented as being of a certain quality or origin. Types of Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services include: • Counterfeit Clothing and Accessories: This involves the production and distribution of fake clothing and accessories such as bags, watches, belts, and jewelry that are made to look like the original designer brand. • Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals: This involves the illegal sale of drugs that are not approved by the FDA but are made to look like legitimate prescription medications. • Counterfeit Electronics: This involves the sale of electronic devices such as phones, computers, and gaming consoles that are made to look like the original brand but are actually made with inferior parts and/or contain pirated software. • Counterfeit Software: This involves the sale of computer software that is illegally copied and sold as a legitimate product. • Counterfeit Documents: This involves the production and sale of fake documents such as passports, visas, birth certificates, and other important documents.