A Biological Material Use and Storage Consent Form is a document used to record the informed consent of a patient for the use of their biological material in research or clinical trials. It is typically used in medical research and clinical trials involving the collection of biological tissue samples from a patient and their subsequent storage in a laboratory or other repository. The form is designed to ensure that the patient is aware of the purpose of the collection and storage of their biological material and that they have given their informed consent for it. It also serves to ensure that the material is used in accordance with the ethical and legal guidelines governing research and clinical trials. There are two main types of Biological Material Use and Storage Consent Forms: ‘Generic’ and ‘Specific’. A Generic Consent Form is a generic document that is used for any type of research or clinical trial involving the collection and storage of biological material. This document typically lists the purpose of the research or trial and outlines the rights of the patient. A Specific Consent Form is tailored to the specific research or clinical trial and is designed to provide more detailed information on the purpose of the collection and storage of the biological material. It also outlines the rights of the patient in greater detail and may include other details such as the duration of storage of the material.