The CJA voucher Attorney Agreement Form is an online form used by lawyers to apply for reimbursement of costs associated with representing indigent defendants in criminal cases. It is part of the Criminal Justice Act (CJA) and is used to request payment for legal services from the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO USC). The CJA voucher is a secure, web-based application that allows attorneys to enter and submit their fee requests to the AO USC for review and payment. There are two types of CJA voucher Attorney Agreement Forms: one for public defenders and another for private attorneys. The public defender form requires the attorney to certify that they meet the CJA's eligibility requirements and that they have not received payment from any other source for the services they are requesting reimbursement for. The private attorney form requires the attorney to certify that they have not received payment from any other source for the requested services and that they are eligible for reimbursement under the CJA.