Summary of Electronic Filing (SOE) is an online filing system that enables businesses to submit their financial records to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in a secure, efficient, and cost-effective manner. SOE provides a way for businesses to transmit their data electronically, eliminating the need for paper filing. The financial information sent through SOE can include tax returns, payment vouchers, and other documents related to the filing of federal taxes. SOE is available for both business and individual filers. There are three types of SOE: 1. Bulk File Transfer: This option allows taxpayers to submit many documents at once. It is designed to be used by businesses with more than 250 tax documents to file. 2. Online Filing: This option allows taxpayers to submit their documents online. It is designed to be used by individuals and businesses with fewer than 250 documents to file. 3. e-File: This option allows taxpayers to submit their documents electronically. It is designed to be used by businesses and individuals who are comfortable filing electronically.