Instructions for Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan is a set of instructions that guide the debtor in confirming a Chapter 13 plan. This confirmation order is issued by the court and provides directions to the debtor on how to file the plan, make payments, and other legal requirements. There are two types of Instructions for Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan: (1) The General Instructions for Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan; and (2) The Customized Instructions for Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan. The General Instructions for Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan provide the debtor with a general overview of the Chapter 13 process, including the filing of the plan, the payments that must be made, the plan's terms and conditions, and the court's role in the process. The Customized Instructions for Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan provide the debtor with a specific set of instructions tailored to the specific debtors and creditors involved in the case. This includes instructions for the debtor on filing the plan, making payments, and other legal requirements. In addition, the customized instructions will provide the creditors with specific instructions on how to respond to the plan and how to protect their rights.