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An easement is a limited right to use another person's land for a stated purpose. Examples of easements include the use of private roads and paths, or the use of a landowner's property to lay railroad tracks or electrical wires.
An easement deed allows a party that is not the owner to use a portion of the land. It is a written agreement between two parties that spells out what part of the property is available for access and how it may be used. Since you are granting an easement to your land, you can set any terms and conditions you like.
If an authority has an easement registered over your land, they have the right to access the easement to maintain or repair the easement land or their equipment on the land.
Cross easements are reciprocal easements created by contract, the one being granted in favor of premises of one party in consideration of a grant by such party in favor of premises of the other party.
The Good Relationship. The person with the property often has a working or good relationship with neighbors.The easement is sometimes a necessity because of restrictions of the land the other person owns or is leasing such as a company or organizational situation.
An easement is a nonpossessory right to use and/or enter onto the real property of another without possessing it. It is "best typified in the right of way which one landowner, A, may enjoy over the land of another, B".
Give the document a simple title: Grant of Easement is sufficient. Identify the parties. You need to explain who the parties are to the agreement. The person granting the easement to his property is the Grantor and the person gaining access to the property is the Grantee.
Generally speaking, an easement is a more serious property right; it is the legal right to use someone else's land for a particular purpose. Easements are often recorded at the county clerk's office and encumber your property's title.Here, however, you probably do not need to take the step of granting an easement.