Counterfeit notes: Dealing, also known as counterfeiting, is the illegal production and distribution of false currency, most often paper money. Counterfeit notes, also referred to as "funny money," "phony money," or "fake money," are produced to imitate the physical and visual features of genuine currency. The production of counterfeit notes is often referred to as "money printing," and the act of distributing them is known as "money laundering." Types of counterfeit notes include: 1. Photocopied Notes: These are typically copies of genuine notes that have been altered in some way, such as by changing the serial number, denomination, or color. 2. Digitally Printed Notes: These are notes that have been printed on digital printers and are often of higher quality than photocopied notes. 3. Off-Set Printed Notes: These are notes that have been printed using an offset printing process and are the most difficult to detect. Counterfeit notes can be used to purchase goods and services, or they can be exchanged for genuine currency. In most cases, however, the illegal activity of counterfeiting is done for profit, as the counterfeit notes can be exchanged at a higher rate than their face value.