6.01 Self Defense/Defense of Others is a legal doctrine which allows individuals to use reasonable force in order to protect themselves or another person from imminent harm or death. This type of self-defense is usually seen as a last resort and is only permissible when the individual has no other reasonable means of protection. Generally, self-defense is divided into two types: deadly force and non-deadly force. Deadly force is any action that is likely to cause serious bodily injury or death and can include the use of a weapon. Non-deadly force is any action that, while not likely to cause serious bodily injury or death, is still considered reasonable force to protect oneself or another person. In order for an act of self-defense to be legally justified, the defending individual must have a reasonable belief that the force used was necessary in order to prevent imminent harm or death. The individual must also have had no other means of protection, such as fleeing the scene or attempting to contact law enforcement. It is important to note that the individual must only use the amount of force that is necessary to prevent the harm or death and any action that goes beyond this is not legally justified.