11.5 Age Discrimination-Definition of Common Terms is a set of terms related to age discrimination. Age discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of people based on their age, particularly in the workplace. Age discrimination is illegal in most countries and can take many forms, such as unjustified hiring practices, salary disparities, and job promotion policies. The 11.5 Age Discrimination-Definition of Common Terms includes terms such as Age Discrimination in Employment Act (AREA), Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFO), Harassment, Mandatory Retirement, Seniority System, and Unlawful Discrimination. The AREA is a federal law that protects workers aged 40 and older from discrimination in the workplace. The BFO is an exception to the AREA that allows employers to consider age when making decisions about hiring and employment. Harassment is any unpleasant behavior or remarks based on age that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for the employee. Mandatory retirement is the practice of forcing employees to retire at a certain age, which is prohibited by the AREA. A Seniority System is a method of job promotion where employees are promoted according to their length of service with the company, regardless of age. Unlawful Discrimination is any discrimination based on age that is not allowed under the AREA.