A Letter of Intent to Purchase Commercial Real Estate (LOI) is a document used to express interest in purchasing a commercial property. It is a non-binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of the proposed purchase. It is generally used in the early stages of negotiations between seller and buyer, and precedes the execution of a formal purchase agreement. Types of Letter of Intent to Purchase Commercial Real Estate: 1. Binding Letter of Intent: This is a binding agreement between the buyer and seller that outlines the terms of the proposed purchase. It usually includes details about the purchase price, closing date, property inspection, and other important conditions. 2. Non-Binding Letter of Intent: This is a non-binding agreement between the buyer and seller that outlines the terms of the proposed purchase, but does not commit either party to the sale. It is typically used to start negotiations and to gauge the other party’s level of interest in the transaction. 3. Earnest Money Deposit Letter of Intent: This is a binding agreement between the buyer and seller that outlines the terms of the proposed purchase and includes an earnest money deposit. The earnest money deposit is a good faith payment to the seller that indicates the buyer’s seriousness about the transaction.