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Examples of specific liens include: -Property tax lien when taxes are not paid. -Mortgage lien when a mortgage is used in financing.Both ad valorem tax liens and special assessment tax liens have priority over all other types of liens (but ad valorem tax liens have priority over special assessment tax liens.)
A mortgage lien is a type of voluntary specific lien, used when a bank lends money to purchase or refinance a home. Mortgages are secured loans, which creates a mortgage lien on the property. This means that the borrower promises some type of collateral to secure the loan in case they stop making payments.
What is the difference between the terms general and specific? If a lien is general, then it applies to all personal and real property. If it is specific to one property, such as a house upon which a mortgage is applied, then it is specific.
A specific lien is granted only with respect to a particular asset.A general lien is a lien on all property. This is both the real property and personal property an individual owns, not just one specific real property (like in the case of a foreclosure).
A general rule in property law says that whichever lien is recorded first in the land records has higher priority over later-recorded liens. This rule is known as the "first in time, first in right" rule.
A general lien is one that attaches to ALL property owned by the lienee. Examples of general liens include: -Federal income tax lien - a statutory lien which can occur when federal income taxes are not paid. -Judgement Lien - a statutory lien which results from court action brought against the lienee.
A general lien is a right of one person to retain any property or goods which are in his possession belonging to another person until the promise or liability is discharged.A general lien is available to bankers, factors, attorneys of High Court and policy brokers.
Tax liens are involuntary and specific. Mortgage lien: A mortgage lien is a voluntary, specific lien. In fact, it's the most common type of voluntary real estate lien. When you borrow money to buy or refinance a piece of real estate, you give the lender a lien against the property.
One example of involuntary liens at work involves the consequences to homeowners who don't pay their property taxes.The county can do this because state law gives it the right to lien real propertysell the property to pay off the owner's debteven though the owner never gave the county explicit permission to do so.