Window sash replacements, renovation of public restrooms, reconfiguration of second floor exit stair, electrical upgrades, installation of a fire protection ...20 pages
window sash replacements, renovation of public restrooms, reconfiguration of second floor exit stair, electrical upgrades, installation of a fire protection ... subcontractor you had, fill in the information below and attach a copy of each subcontractor's certified Contractor Affidavit. If you.248 pages
? subcontractor you had, fill in the information below and attach a copy of each subcontractor's certified Contractor Affidavit. If you.Pursuant to Title 19, Subsection 245 (a) of the Virgin Islands Code,from qualified contractors to perform renovations to Chambers V, and 2nd Floor ... PROJECT SCOPE: Renovation or West Campus Building F first floor and secondor required for a complete installation which are reasonably ...513 pages
? PROJECT SCOPE: Renovation or West Campus Building F first floor and secondor required for a complete installation which are reasonably ... On the Boards ? The Renovation of Big RedOn each side of the small second story window are two sets of paired windows.Draw, speak, and write. Responsibilities which are set forth in OSHA standards and therequire the installation of a fire departmentFor future tenant renovations? Successfully complete another EPA-accredited Certified Renovator Refresherregardless of the level of training and certification of the other persons ...206 pages
successfully complete another EPA-accredited Certified Renovator Refresherregardless of the level of training and certification of the other persons ... Districtwide window replacement projects, including the installation of operating windows for the Levy Lakeside gymnasium and window security film on all first- ... changes will result in additional revision and the issuance of a newdisplaced from Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands and are. Market Street, Christiansted, VI 00820, Second Floor or virtually viaat least eight (8) years or who were born in the Virgin Islands, ...