Washington Order to Release Weapons (ORR) is a document issued by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) that authorizes the transfer of weapons from the DoD to other government agencies. It is typically used for the transfer of weapons from the DoD to foreign governments or international organizations. The ORR is the only official document that authorizes the transfer of weapons from the DoD and is subject to a rigorous review and approval process. The ORR process begins with the requesting agency submitting a request for the transfer of weapons to the DoD. The request must include a detailed description of the desired weapon(s), the proposed use, and the name of the recipient. The DoD then reviews the request and determines if the transfer is in the interest of the United States. If approved, the DoD issues an ORR which is signed by the Secretary of Defense. There are two types of Orris: "Washington Order to Release Weapons" (WORRY) and "Washington Order to Receive Weapons" (RRW). Works are issued when the DoD is transferring weapons to a foreign government or international organization. Works are issued when the DoD is receiving weapons from a foreign government or international organization.