Washington Option 2: What You Need to Know, Vocational Rehabilitation Services is an employment program that assists individuals with disabilities in obtaining and maintaining employment. This program provides job-related services, such as assessment, job training, job placement, and support services. Services are tailored to meet the needs of the individual and are provided with the goal of helping the individual achieve and maintain employment. The Washington Option 2: What You Need to Know, Vocational Rehabilitation Services program includes various types of services, such as: • Job Assessment: This service assesses the individual’s employment needs, abilities, and interests and determines the best job options for the individual. • Job Training: This service helps individuals acquire the necessary skills to obtain and maintain employment. • Job Placement: This service assists the individual in locating and obtaining a job. • Support Services: This service provides the individual with the necessary support and resources to maintain employment. • On-the-Job Training: This service provides the individual with the opportunity to gain experience in a job setting and to develop the necessary skills to be successful in the job. • Follow-up Services: This service ensures that the individual is making progress in their employment and provides additional support and resources as needed.