Fifty-one miles of the system are complete, including the 73, 133, 241 and 261 Toll Roads. Save. IRVINE, Calif. 4223.Our bus and Metrolink train services are clean, safe, and convenient. Transportation (3) in the 1950s provided the foundation for travel time studies. Applicants must fill out the application and submit it along with the scoping agreement and initial deposit to the Transportation Department. The Panama Railway reduced the time needed to cross the Isthmus from a week of difficult and dangerous travel to a day of relative comfort. Located in the southwest portion of California, Orange County is simply brimming with vibrant culture, inspiration, and of course, magnificent opportunity. Santa Monica Big Blue Bus; Torrance Transit. Check out all the latest Party Poker Coupons and Apply them for instantly Savings. Interested in Irvine Spectrum area commute options for you, your company or tenants?