A lease is a good option for tenants and landlords seeking stability in a tenancy. Responsibilities of residential landlords and tenants in New Jersey.U. (B) This apartment was Rent Controlled at the time the last tenant moved out. Many tenants who sign a lease for their apartment or rental unit plan to stay for the full amount of time required in the lease, such as one year. Is a written rental agreement required? As we build, this may require changes in the ground transportation pick-up experience. 2. exercise powers of local legislation as provided in section two of article nine of the constitution of the State of New York;. New York City's first ever legal marijuana gummy comes to Queens Your new weed dealer just set up shop in the shadow of the Barclays Center. El Dorado Correctional Facility is in the Police1 Law Enforcement Directory. Canyon Sales Company LLC in Bronx, NY represents only the finest locally grown onions and potatoes in the market.
New Jersey: New Jersey Legalizes Growing Marijuana in Homes for Personal Use “It's time to legalize personal marijuana use,” said Sen. Nicholas Square. He made the comments Tuesday in the “Vote Yes” rally at New Jersey Historical Prison in Fort Lee. NJ Legalizes Personal Use of Marijuana “It's time to legalize personal marijuana use,” said Sen. Nicholas Square. He made the comments Tuesday in the “Vote Yes” rally at New Jersey Historical Prison in Fort Lee. Massachusetts to Legalize Marijuana for Medical Purposes with Regulated Retail System “A small, but influential group of physicians is lobbying lawmakers to make it clear that doctors will not be prosecuted for treating or recommending marijuana for medical purposes,” says Paul Armenian, NORMAL Deputy Director. “For the first time in Massachusetts, residents will be able to safely obtain the medical use of marijuana.
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