When you cannot make your monthly credit card payment, the worst thing you can do is to simply let the bill go unpaid. Your creditor can charge you a late fee, raise your interest rate, and report the late payment to the credit bureaus. If you cannot pay the minimum, consider writing your credit card company and explaining your situation to them. Many creditors will extend your due date, waive the late fee, and continue reporting a "current" payment status to credit bureaus.
Subject: Request to Lower Monthly Payments Due to Financial Hardship — Account Number: [Insert Account Number] Dear [Credit Card Company], I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my sincere concerns regarding my current financial situation and to seek assistance in lowering the monthly payments on my credit card account. First and foremost, I want to emphasize my long-standing relationship with your esteemed company. I have been a loyal customer for several years and have consistently made on-time payments. However, recently, I have encountered unforeseen financial difficulties brought about by [insert specific circumstances: job loss, medical expenses, family emergency, etc.]. This unexpected turn of events has made it increasingly challenging for me to meet my financial obligations. As a resident of Houston, Texas, a city known for its vibrant economy and cultural diversity, I have always strived to maintain a good credit standing. Regrettably, the current circumstances have overwhelmed my financial stability, leaving me unable to cover my credit card payments in full. However, I am firmly committed to resolving this matter responsibly and rebuilding my ability to meet my financial obligations in the future. Given my commitment to overcoming these challenges, I kindly request your assistance in temporarily adjusting my monthly payments to a more manageable amount. I fully understand that this repayment arrangement may result in extended interest accrual and longer-term debt settlement. Nevertheless, I believe it will allow me to avoid defaulting on my payments and maintain a positive relationship with your esteemed company. Additionally, I would greatly appreciate any other options or programs that your company may offer to customers facing financial hardships. If there are any available resources or special repayment plans designed to assist individuals in situations such as mine, I request your guidance and support in exploring these options. To provide a clearer understanding of my financial situation, I have enclosed a detailed breakdown of my current income, expenses, and outstanding debts. This information will help in evaluating the feasibility of my request for payment reduction. I am open to providing any additional documentation or information necessary to facilitate a fair assessment of my circumstances. I genuinely value the relationship I have established with your company and wish to continue it well into the future. Furthermore, I trust that, by working together, we can find a mutually beneficial solution that ensures my timely repayment while allowing me to navigate these temporary financial hardships. Thank you for your time and understanding. I eagerly await your response and would be grateful for any consideration you can give to my request. Please feel free to reach me at [Your Contact Information] to discuss this matter further. Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Account Number] [Your Contact Information]Subject: Request to Lower Monthly Payments Due to Financial Hardship — Account Number: [Insert Account Number] Dear [Credit Card Company], I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my sincere concerns regarding my current financial situation and to seek assistance in lowering the monthly payments on my credit card account. First and foremost, I want to emphasize my long-standing relationship with your esteemed company. I have been a loyal customer for several years and have consistently made on-time payments. However, recently, I have encountered unforeseen financial difficulties brought about by [insert specific circumstances: job loss, medical expenses, family emergency, etc.]. This unexpected turn of events has made it increasingly challenging for me to meet my financial obligations. As a resident of Houston, Texas, a city known for its vibrant economy and cultural diversity, I have always strived to maintain a good credit standing. Regrettably, the current circumstances have overwhelmed my financial stability, leaving me unable to cover my credit card payments in full. However, I am firmly committed to resolving this matter responsibly and rebuilding my ability to meet my financial obligations in the future. Given my commitment to overcoming these challenges, I kindly request your assistance in temporarily adjusting my monthly payments to a more manageable amount. I fully understand that this repayment arrangement may result in extended interest accrual and longer-term debt settlement. Nevertheless, I believe it will allow me to avoid defaulting on my payments and maintain a positive relationship with your esteemed company. Additionally, I would greatly appreciate any other options or programs that your company may offer to customers facing financial hardships. If there are any available resources or special repayment plans designed to assist individuals in situations such as mine, I request your guidance and support in exploring these options. To provide a clearer understanding of my financial situation, I have enclosed a detailed breakdown of my current income, expenses, and outstanding debts. This information will help in evaluating the feasibility of my request for payment reduction. I am open to providing any additional documentation or information necessary to facilitate a fair assessment of my circumstances. I genuinely value the relationship I have established with your company and wish to continue it well into the future. Furthermore, I trust that, by working together, we can find a mutually beneficial solution that ensures my timely repayment while allowing me to navigate these temporary financial hardships. Thank you for your time and understanding. I eagerly await your response and would be grateful for any consideration you can give to my request. Please feel free to reach me at [Your Contact Information] to discuss this matter further. Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Account Number] [Your Contact Information]
Para su conveniencia, debajo del texto en español le brindamos la versión completa de este formulario en inglés. For your convenience, the complete English version of this form is attached below the Spanish version.