[Updated] May 19-25, 2015: Texas Health Commissioner Kathleen Austin and Sheriff Ed Gonzalez. (See also: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announces new state laws for “Stand Your Ground” cases, “Stand Your Ground” Law Still On Hold, Texas Governor Issues Executive Order On “Stand Your Ground” Law Changes May 19-24, 2015: Bill Clinton to Speak at 2015 State of the Union. See a full list of who is speaking. May 26-28, 2015: The National Association of Attorneys General. [PDF] May 30-June 2, 2015: Bill Clinton. Hillary Clinton's National Advisory Council. June 2, 2015: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on Global Challenges; “Terrorism, the Middle East and North Africa,” “Sovereign Wealth Fund Risk Management,” “Africa and the Arab Spring,” “The Role of the United States in the Arab-Israeli Conflict,” “Arab Spring: What Is at Stake.” (The meeting included four panelists, three Democrats and a Republican.
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