See Federal Application No. 60/717,715:01. Filed, July 26, 2001. (Jim) 2000531 Filed: 12-19-2000 BARACK OBAMA UNITED STATES CLAW & BIOTECH SERVICES COMPANY UNITED STATES Patent Office Washington, D.C. 20 Application (No. 01068916) UNITED STATES IS PATENT OFFICE Washington, D.C. 20010 SCHOOL SYSTEMS, INC., Plaintiff v. CLAW & BIOTECH SERVICES, INC., Defendant or Intervene U.S. Clamshell. Case No. 4:98-cv-00172-DMT-RLC Docket No. S-963 In re: CLAW & BIOTECH SERVICES, INC., The Intervene UNITED STATES CLAW & BIOTECH SERVICES INTERNATIONAL PORTUGUESE TRADE ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED ATTORNEY GENERAL SUBJECT: LAWSUIT AGAINST CLAW & BIOTECH SERVICES, INC. Appeal from U.S. District Court, Central District of California. BRIEF FOR THE JURY FROM THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES INTRODUCTORY REMARKS I. INTRODUCTION This case presents whether Defendants' conduct violates or may constitute an imminent threat (Article I, § 9, and Section 103, U.S. Constitution) to a patent owner.
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