3 of 1993.] (S.D. Fla. Oct. 22, 1993). (a) A person, other than the owner of the property, is liable for any damage made by the entry of another person in a warehouse which has a security system as of October 1, 1993. A person is liable to pay the owner of the property damage for damage to the property caused by the use of such a system for any entry by a person or persons other than the owner of the property, if the person or persons are: (1) Using a system where a person is not permitted to access the property or to do any work on the property; (2) Using a system to allow the storage of household goods and other valuables; (3) Using a system to hold household goods which is located on the person's premises and to which the person is not allowed access. If damages under subdivision (a)(3) are made to the dwelling unit of the owner, then additional damages resulting from that same entry are also recoverable.
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