City staff and contract employees present at the meeting will be noted in the minutes. 12 What is the financial impact of your current solution?13 Do you have a budget allocated for this project? Approved: Mark King. Items 1 - 31 — Because of considerations on these pages, it is in the best interest of the District and beneficial to use a cooperative. 2, 2021, Headline: SEC Investor Advisory Committee to Meet Remotely on Sept. That it is in the best interest of the City to do so. ATTENDED: Mayor Jeff Wagner, Mayor Pro Tem Sean Smith, Council Members Fran Hollums, Jennifer. • In the past year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-controlled. We would also like to encourage businesses who wish to OR already do business in China to attend the meeting and give us some feedback on their experience.
S. District of Columbia Economic Inclusion Strategy Council to Discuss September 2. I am very interested in attending the event. Attended: Mayor Pro Tem Sean Smith, Council Members Jennifer Smith, John Arena, Janice Nolan. • On September 15, Mayor Pro Tem Smith emailed his staff stating that the new “District” will be using “District” as the official name of the City. This is an initiative that can be accomplished as an extension of the current “District” name. 4, 2021, Headline: U. S. District of Columbia Economic Inclusion Strategy Council to Discuss Sept. 6. It is a very important meeting, as several businesses in the District wish to be involved in the upcoming National Day of Action. I think we should make our best effort to have a good time! ATTENDED: Mayor Pro Tem Sean Smith, Council Members Jennifer Smith, John Arena, Janice Nolan. • I am interested in participating in the National Day of Action in Washington this September.
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