Springing Durable Power Of Attorney Without Solicitor

District of Columbia
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Description Springing Durable Power Of Attorney

A power of attorney is an instrument containing an authorization for one to act as the agent of the principal that terminates at some point in the future either by its terms or by operation of law such as death of the principal or agent. The person appointed is usually called an Attorney-in-Fact. A power of attorney which doesn't provide for a successor attorney-in-fact to be appointed will terminate at the death of the attorney-in-fact. The person making the power of attorney appointment is called the principal. A power of attorney can be either general, durable or limited. Power of attorney requirements vary by state, but typically are signed by the principal and need to be witnessed and notarized.

In most cases, a power of attorney takes effect when signed. This may be troublesome for someone who wishes to provide for the management of his or her financial affairs in the event of a future disability but does not want to grant broad powers to a person who could act immediately. The solution is the springing power of attorney. The springing power of attorney becomes effective only at some specified future time or upon the occurrence of a specified event, such as incapacity. Thus the authority of the attorney-in-fact cannot be exercised until there is a need. Most, but not all, states allow a springing power of attorney.

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