Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic Forms If you wish to move to a new unit, you must notify HACA and the owner before moving out of the old unit or terminating the lease on notice to the owner.Appendix A Local Forms List. Under California Rules of Court, rule 10.613, the court may adopt local forms to govern practice or procedure. In accordance with regulations and the Housing Assistance Payments Contract, I certify that the information provided is true and complete. • Information on how to fill out and file a housing discrimination complaint form. 14,000 jobs between 1990-1998 out of a total of 38,730 jobs in Alameda. TIPO DE CONTRATO: Contrato de Investimento Coletivo. In this video we discuss the process in filling out the California Divorce Form FL-115.