Apartment Lease Agreement – For a residential unit located in a multi-family. 3. FORM OF PAYMENT: Tenants agree to pay their rent in the form of a personal check, a cashier's check, or a money order made.A New York lease agreement is a contract that outlines the intricacies surrounding a rental property, typically involving two (2) parties. This lease is appropriate for use when leasing a house, duplex, apartment, or condominium located anywhere in the state of New York. This page is a guide for owners to file initial and annual rent registrations with the Office of Rent Administration (ORA). Housing Court Forms. When you are signing a lease for a NYC apartment, make sure the rent and the dates are correct. Check you're not being overcharged for the security deposit. No Waterbeds No waterbeds or water-filled furniture shall be kept in the Apartment. 20. Rules Tenant must comply with Landlord's Rules.