The free 2024 Domu Chicago apartment lease agreement for use in the City of Chicago, customization for all unit types. The agent, from ApartmentPeople.Com, is asking for 1 month rent up front at the time of application to lock down the place before we sign the lease. For the monthly rent section, the lease should list the amount of the monthly rent, any cost of parking and the exact total. Find all of Domu's free, printable Chicago apartment lease agreement forms here. Clarify private housing applications and lease requirements, and discover safety tips for finding legitimate rentals. This lease is date sensitive and is up to date with local, county and state law for 2020. Do not use for subsequent calendar years. Once you select your new Chicago apartment, you'll fill out an application with your rental history and have a credit and background check run. How to fill out the Chicago Residential Lease Agreement for Renters?