If you have a month-to-month lease, your landlord usually has to give you notice at least 30 days before the date they want the lease to end. Find 142 flexible and convenient short-term apartments for rent in Cuyahoga Falls.Find 750 flexible and convenient short-term apartments for rent in Cleveland. If you're renting from an individual, just explain your case, they might just let you out of the lease if they think they can get it rented. Complete the form below to use the Rent Affordability Calculator: The affordability calculator only applies to new contracts. The fee can vary depending on the case, although it typically ranges from one to two months of rent. It should be a full 30 days before the next rent payment would be due. The lease will end 30 days from the next rental date. Rental Registration Ordinance. Applicants can use kiosks and computers at CMHA's Main Campus to sign up for the portal and complete their applications.