Written Lease Required Landlords who offer 5 or more rental units for rent in the State must use a written lease for residential dwellings. This Agreement is to be governed under the laws located in the State of Maryland.Learn how to create a rental application in Maryland, including what questions to ask and avoid. Maryland rental agreements in 2024 have specific rules that shape lease types, duration, and obligations for paying rent and fees. I signed a one-year apartment lease that's supposed to end in December 2023, but I've recently found a better fit and am planning to move out next month. Maryland state law doesn't require many specifics for lease agreements; generally, most of the content inside the document is up to the landlord. Filing a Failure to Pay Rent Case? This class will help you learn how to fill out the form. Watch. Maryland state law doesn't require many specifics for lease agreements; generally, most of the content inside the document is up to the landlord. Rent Court is a term used to refer to Failure to Pay Rent Cases heard in the Maryland District Court.